Scammed: Don took the money and has yet to reply in over 3 days now so I’m basically writing him off at this point. I’m not alone in this I have some of you guys supporting me with ideas and it’s actually refreshing I used to find these places toxic but together I think we can get this.
I will update accordingly in the coming days until then stay tuned and I’ll keep trying the trade method myself in the meanwhile. So needless to say yes he proved it works but he also showed me his method has since been patched. Looks like they learning 😂 but still i would find a way, i always do” i seems to also notice the Firewall for roblox server has added more barriers. “it's funny a lot the can do to a network in few weeks. He will be back stateside Thursday and we will pick up where he left off. He sat there going over it a few times and navigating through different back doors but he said he is not prepared to sell the tool yet as it’s not proofed. The downside is within 10-15 seconds his account was banned. This method/process is different than the one going around at the moment he can also do items like toys strollers potions etc not just pets.
Good morning guys, so yesterday he had it all setup on his computer and was demonstrating how the process works he showed me how to dupe a FR turtle (full grown). If you know any ideas feel free to shoot them too me and once I do have it mastered I’ll do a video to share. I know there is a trade glitch for other games like club roblox so I’ll start with that method and take it from there. I tried all of the methods I had mentioned before with no such luck this week I’ll have a go at some trade glitches and if I can figure it out I’ll be sure to let you all know. The following prices are Whats being sold from the main distributor of the pets. At least that’s what I understand to be true. I found out the glitch is done with the regular pets the glitch can make three neon shadows out of four regular shadows. I firmly believe it’s a trade glitch of some kind The glitch method I’m unsure of I’ve tried to dig for information but the guys not letting up on the method and is unwilling to sell it. The following pets have been glitched at this point They will have different pet numbers each time. The glitch is technically not duping pets it is glitching the pets this means that in the data servers it will not show as a duplicate pet as in two mega Shea does showing with the pet ID# 11111 for example. Good morning guys as promised I have reached the original source of the glitch, now I’ve found out the following information,